Preschool Alternative - What we do in our day
Good morning
A typical day at the KéKAY Method starts with a greeting from your favorite teacher with the language of the day. We teach the greeting of the most spoken language in the country that we will "visit" on our "travels" that week.
So, if we are visiting Mexico, our students will be greeted with "Buenos Dias"!
Several play stations are set up as the students enter the classroom. Our composer of the week is playing softly in the background. The students can read, build with blocks, practice threading beads and you can choose from several other activities that will keep you busy until all of their friends have arrived.
Our good morning song happens on our yoga mats while we wake up our puppet, Jabulani. He helps us cheer and sing as go through our:
- number of the week
- letter of the week
- composer of the week
- country and language of the week
- color and shape of the week
We clean up and our day is ready to get started!
The students all go to the welcome board to find their name and place it on the board. Before class starts, the students get to choose a happy, sad, mad, or shy face to show the teacher how they feel
Dance, Sports, Games, Nursery Rhymes, Art, Composers, Countries, Conflict Resolution, Yoga and Storytelling
During the morning, we will learn basic dance steps as Jabulani jokes around and tells stories so the students can use their imagination as they travel to new countries, leap, fly, hop and jump.
They learn basic sports skills such as balancing, strength, and coordination. Our games include using the parachute, magic fairy dust, plenty of balls, hoops, and songs. We make sure to move, move, move while we learn, count, spell and sing. Phew! We do remember to stop for a water break.
As we move and sing, we always make sure to talk about our mindfulness theme of the week. So, if sharing becomes an issue, we stop the class and Jabulani helps us resolve the problem. We discuss all the soft and gentle ways to communicate, how they can ask for what they need. The students are guided to understand about following rules. Our puppets help them all to understand what is expected in class and we always follow through on discussing conflict resolution.
During our morning hours we:
- learn preschool skills
- dance
- do basic sports moves
- play games
- learn nursery rhymes
- do art
- learn breathing and yoga
- read a story
We always take a little break to have a healthy snack when we get hungry. All that moving and learning, certainly makes us think about sustenance.
When all the fun is over and the students have learned everything for the day, it is time to sing the goodbye song. We help each other clean up, and put everything away so they can start the day in a clean space the next morning.
After we clean up, the students go back to the welcome board to place all of their check marks on the things they accomplished that day. Of course, they choose a happy, sad, mad, or shy face to complete their day.
After all the clean-up and checkmarks, it is time to put on socks and shoes. The students collect their art and then meet their special person waiting for them at the door. Another great day at KéKAY!